Thursday, September 13, 2012

Daughters and Divorce

In 2010 an article was published by the NY Times asking if girls caused divorce. When two college students collaborated from the universities of Rochester and U.C.L.A., they discovered there was a role in gender and divorce; that role was a 5% gap between the likelihood of parents to divorce if they gave birth to girls as opposed to boys. Besides our country's cultural belief that boys are easier to raise than girls, could they really be the cause of divorce? Steven Landsburg answered this study with an interesting argument, stating that perhaps boys make marriage more bearable; fathers are more likely to stay in a marriage if they have a son. Also answering this study was a Notre Dame professor, Anita Kelly; Kelly turned the question around and questioned that maybe women with daughters depend less on their husbands. Mothers and daughters hold a special bond and can depend on each other in times of loneliness and despair.

...Or maybe it's a possible combination of both sides. While it's true that males and females can share gender bonds, there are so many things to take into account before judging some things. Age, gender, religion, culture, ethnicity, home-life, and attitude to name a few. Everyone makes assumptions and everyone judges, but not everyone does these things with the entire picture in mind; it depends on many other external factors. The bottom line is: we will never know the full story. We cannot average all divorces together and pop out its underlying cause. Do you think there is truth behind the role of gender in divorce?


Unknown said...

I feel that issues in a marriage don't depend on the gender of the child, but instead the relationship of the couple. Son or daughter, either way, a parent is going to love and support that child, doing everything in their power to make them happy. This is regardless of the type of relationship they share with that child.
It is understood that children, male or female, can add stress and tension to a relationship, but could not be the sole purpose of it's demise. I believe divorce stems from issues between the parents ranging anywhere from money problems to affairs. The gender of their child shouldn't have any effect on the happiness of their relationship.

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